Title Director: Jamie Caliri Animation: Anthony Scott Illustration: Alex Juhasz Art Department Lead: Morgan Hay Art Department Assistant: Yoriko Murakami Executive Producer: Mark Medernach Line Producer: Daniel Ridgers Production Assistants: Amanda Belden Scharnberg, Ashley Calhoun, Richie McCord Production Company (titles): DUCK Client: Showtime
Read moreTrue Blood Main Title Sequence Client: HBO URL: http://www.d-kitchen.com/project.php?p=128 DK Credits: Creative Directors: Matt Mulder, Rama Allen Live Action Direction: Rama Allen, Morgan Henry, Matthew Mulder, Matt Clark, Tevor Fife Designers: Rama Allen, Shawn Fedorchuck, Ryan Gagnier, Matthew Mulder, Camm Rowland, Ryan Rothermel, Jacques Broquard Compositor: Ryan Gagnier Editor: Shawn Fedorchuck Producers: Morgan Henry, Kipp […]
Read moreSeven (also marketed as SE7EN) is an American 1995 Academy Award, BAFTA nominated crime film directed by David Fincher and written by Andrew Kevin Walker. The story follows two detectives, one retiring (Morgan Freeman) and one his replacement (Brad Pitt), jointly investigating a series of ritualistic murders inspired by the seven deadly sins. Digital Visual […]
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