Lust For Life Title Sequence by Eugene and Louise Studio
Title sequence for a new lifestyle show on belgian national television, Lust For Life. Soundtrack by “Compact Disk Dummies”
Production: Hotel Hungaria
Producer: Cath Hauben
Creative: Geerard Van de Walle
Art Director & Logo Design: Isaac E. Gozin
Motion Design & Animation: Eugene and Louise Studio
Soundtrack: Compact Disk Dummies
Eugene and Louise Studio is a Belgium based creative studio, focus on character design, illustration, motion graphics and original content.
Eugene and Louise Studio also delivers editorial work and commissioned work in the world of advertising. Disney, Lego, Mattel, Chiquita, MTV Europe, Coca Cola, Absolute Vodka or advertising agencies like VVL-BBDO, Duval Guillaume and The Gepetto Group are only a few of the other names you’ll find on our client list.
For commissioned work in the USA, UK and Asia, Eugene and Louise Studio is represented by Bernstein & Andriulli. The B&A agency is based in New York City with offices in London and Shanghai.