Ant-Man Title Sequence by Sarofsky

Sarofsky created a look that was totally new and unique in the Marvel Universe. They drew inspiration from the production design surrounding the Pym Particles, which are contained in a glowing, beautiful red liquid.

Their solution allowed us to both connect visually to the film without feeling like just another scene in the movie and depict the macro and micro worlds in the same visual language.

Director, creative director and designer Erin Sarofsky launched Sarofsky Corp. in Chicago in 2009 to provide her patent, design-driven production services to leaders in the advertising and entertainment industries worldwide. Today, Sarofsky’s staff artists use animation, visual effects, computer graphics and live-action to collaborate with illustrious clientele from concept to delivery, producing work that is visceral, innovative and diverse. With artistry that heightens audience impact through sublime commercials, brand films, title sequences and much more, Sarofsky’s reputation for breakthrough design, its proven cross-media production expertise, and its fabulous Olson Kundig-designed studio in Chicago’s West Loop are all key components of the attraction. Sarofsky is proud to be a WBENC-certified woman owned company.

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