Curious George is a traditionally-animated film adaptation of the children’s stories by H.A. and Margret Rey. It was released in the United States on February 10, 2006.

Matthew O’Callaghan directed (after replacing Jun Falkenstein). This project had been in development hell at Imagine Entertainment for a long time, dating back at least as long ago as 1992 (and possibly many years before this).

The screenplay was written by Michael McCullers, Daniel Gerson, Rob Baird, Joe Stillman and Karey Kirkpatrick. Although it is a traditionally-animated film, about twenty percent of it takes place in 3D environments that were computer-generated. This was Universal’s first theatrically-released feature-length animated film since 1995’s Balto. It was Imagine Entertainment’s first animated film.

Curious George Title Sequence by Prologue Films

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